First and foremost, if you do not remember anything else from this blog, always keep this in mind: Your balanced hormones do NOT cause cancer. However, metalloestrogens, which are a class of xenoestrogens (toxic estrogens), can absolutely be a cause of cancer.
Your hormones, including estrogen, are integral to keeping your body strong and healthy. You need your hormones for bone, heart, brain, and immune health. They are the main substances responsible for directing the mechanisms of the body at the cellular, subcellular, and even genetic levels. In other words, hormones are your body’s messengers—but when they are not balanced, neither are you. We all know how this feels—physically and emotionally.
Estrogen is a complex hormone that can be very misunderstood. It ranges from naturally made in the body to chemically seeping out of plastics. Here’s a quick cheat sheet:
As mentioned in the first box, your body also makes estrogen, and here’s a more detailed breakdown of the three types of estrogen made by your BODY:
- Estrone (E1): Made in your ovaries, it is the only estrogen hormone you produce after menopause, just in reduced amounts.
- Estradiol (E2): Also made in your ovaries, but only during your reproductive years. It is the most potent form of estrogen.
- Estriol (E3): This is the primary form of estrogen during pregnancy, and the placenta produces it. This is the more “protective” of all the estrogens.
What are metalloestrogens?
Dictionary definition: Metalloestrogens, a class of xenoestrogens, are inorganic metals that can bind to estrogen receptors and mimic the effects of estrogen. They are considered harmful and may be linked to breast cancer. For a more detailed answer, please review this study [1].
Metalloestrogens are also known to affect gene expression (study [2]), bind to cellular estrogen receptors in your breast (study [1]), elicit estrogen-like activity in breasts (study [3]), and many other horrible things that can lead to breast cancer.
What are examples of metalloestrogens?
- Aluminum. Found in: beauty products [4], antacids, cookware [5], deodorant, dental fillings (more on toxic dental amalgams and products later), AC units, lamps, cars, etc.
- Cadmium. Found in: non-organic cereals, meats, vegetables, nuts, chocolate, etc. Also found in: house paint, plastics, cell phones, fertilizers, cigarette smoke, etc.
- Mercury. Found in: table salt [6], jewelry, light bulbs, beauty products [4], paint, batteries (watch batteries), dental fillings (again, see below), etc.
Antimony, arsenite, barium, cobalt, copper, chromium, and lead are other examples of metalloestrogens. As you can see, it’s basically impossible to escape them. Metalloestrogens can sneak into your body through the food you eat, beauty products that seep through your skin, the paint you surround yourself with, the car you drive, and the plastics that wrap many of your products…it’s everywhere.
However, you can minimize your exposure and detox the rest out of your body.
Metalloestrogens are in dental amalgams and products.
The breast-dental connection is so strong that I can confidently say about 90% of my clients have had adverse health effects from metalloestrogen/mercury-filled amalgams, root canals, cavitations, and other dental toxicities. This is because your teeth directly connect to your breasts via the meridian system; they are not separate entities that can be drilled, poked, and stuffed with toxic poisons.
Your mouth is also the entry point to your digestive tract, which makes up about 80% of your immune system cells. Therefore, problems in your oral health provide good clues about the rest of your health and vice versa. This is why safe, nontoxic products and dental practices such as working with biological dentists [7] are critical to healing breast cancer.
Dental fillings (amalgams) and metalloestrogens.
Your “silver fillings” or amalgams contain 50% mercury (FDA document [8]), one of the most toxic substances on earth. Many European countries have banned mercury-filled amalgams, root canals, and cavitations for many reasons, and a big one is due to stimulating the growth of breast cancer cells by acting as a Metalloestrogen (via mimicking estrogen production).
Your amalgams must safely be removed because every time you chew your food, brush your teeth, or eat or drink something warm—methylmercury vapors are released in your mouth and absorbed into your body/breasts. For a daunting visual explanation, please watch Dr. Kennedy’s “Smoking Teeth” video. [9]
These tiny pieces of metal can lead to the biggest breakthroughs in your healing. Sometimes, simply removing dental toxicities is the key to stopping the cancer. For a more detailed report on why and how to safely remove toxic fillings, please read this blog post [10].
To learn more about biological dentistry and the SMART Technique (Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique), Essential #5 [11], please read this blog post [7]. For further study, please review the blogs.
Blogs on dental toxicity and infections:
- The breast cancer and dental infections connection [12].
- Oral health is breast health [13].
- Nontoxic dental solutions [14].
- How to detox from amalgam removal. [15]
- Natural teeth whitening. [16]
TEST for metalloestrogens. Do not stress and guess.
As with everything, TEST. TEST. TEST. This is the only way to know exactly what is happening in YOUR body.
Here are the two types of tests that I suggest:
- Your Lab Work’s Exposure Panel. [17] It includes lead, mercury, arsenic, mold, Lyme disease, Epstein Barr Virus, adult food allergies, and more.
- ZRT Laboratory’s Toxic & Essential Elements tests. [18] This profile offers the top four most toxic heavy metals and reveals levels of certain nutritional elements. Tests in this profile include Dried Urine: Iodine, Bromine, Selenium, Arsenic, Cadmium, Mercury, Creatinine; and Blood Spot: Zinc, Copper, Magnesium, Cadmium, Lead, Mercury, Selenium.
7 ways to safely detox metalloestrogens out of your body.
You can never fully escape metalloestrogens, but you can safely and effectively detox them from your breasts and body. Below are a few powerful and proven detox solutions. Heavy metals, such as metalloestrogens, can remain in your bones, gut, brain, kidneys, breasts, etc., for months to decades—which is why EVERYONE should detox.
- Coffee enemas. An inexpensive, at-home way to help your body drain toxins. Please review this blog post [19] for a step-by-step guide.
- Modified Citrus Pectin (MCP). This supplement provides a natural “chelating effect,” which means that it binds with harmful metals and escorts them out of the body through the urine. For more info, please read this blog post [20].
- Chlorella Algae. It can gently detox stubborn metalloestrogens from your cells, gut, blood, and all over your body. Click here [21] to learn more and find my go-to sources for algae.
- Laser Energetic Detoxification. It’s a gentle, rapid, and non-invasive method of addressing chemical toxicities, heavy metal burdens, chemical and hormonal imbalances, chronic infections, and so much more. I recommend going to The Karlfeldt Center in Idaho [22] for Laser Energetic Detoxification [23] and almost every integrative health therapy you need.
- DMSA. It’s an effective and safe orally administered metal chelator that clears heavy metals from your body. Please learn more about DMSA via this blog post [24].
- Saunas, dry brushing, lymph drainage, dry brushing, and massages. All of these are relaxing and helpful ways to detox and support your healing. Please read this blog post [25] to learn more. I also provide step-by-step guides in this blog post [26].
- The Hormone Clearing Bundle. The 7 Essentials System® Hormone Clearing Bundle [27] utilizes DIM (di-indolyl-methane), the “dirty estrogen buster,” synergistically with Estro Clear and Brocco Power. This bundle gives you the complete (Phase I and Phase II) solution to clearing “dirty” estrogens and balance hormones. Think of it as a metaphor for your body: DIM unclogs the toilet bowl, and Brocco Power cleans out the pipe, while Estro Clear makes sure all toxins actually clear out of your body.
Take charge of your health.
Use this blog and all other blogs [28], podcast episodes [29], and recipes [30] as FREE and powerful tools for complete mind-body-soul healing. Doctors, coaches [31], and health providers will help, but YOU are the one who controls your life through daily micro-investments in your health. What you eat, wear, use, drink, etc., either fuels or starves the cancer. Today, make the choice to intentionally choose vibrant health and healing in everything you do.