I am French and I must admit that I do enjoy a good quality glass of wine or bubbly on occasion. But with all the chemicals found in commercial wines, it is difficult to find a clean wine that is not harmful to your health, contains low sulfites, no additives and practically zero sugar per glass! Good news! I have discovered an amazing company called Dry Farm Wines, that imports hand-harvested and organic wines from all over the world.
What’s Wrong with Commercial Wines?
Most alcoholic beverages, including wine that contain more than 7% alcohol, are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. Instead, these beverages fall under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (ATTTB).
This is why you will not see ingredient lists on your favorite bottle at the grocery store. Wine-makers aren’t required to disclose what they put in their batches under the ATTTB, including potentially-hazardous additives.
Journalist Bianca Bosker, the author of Cork Dork (Penguin Books, 2017), details how commercial wines are made.
“One of the things that I did was to go into this wine conglomerate [Treasury Wine Estates] that produces millions of bottles of wine per year,” Bosker said in an interview for Smithsonian Magazine. “People are there developing wine the way flavor scientists develop the new Oreo or Doritos flavor.”
Most wine-makers have one primary goal: to produce beverages that appeal to the American consumer so they will buy more, regardless of health concerns.
Commercial Wines Contain Harmful Additives

According to the Electronic Code of Federal Regulations, wine-makers must use additives that come from a list of about 60 different kinds. This does not mean that they are all safe, however. Some of the most common “approved” additives include:
Acetaldehyde acts as a colorant and stabilizer in wine. It is considered a “probably human carcinogen (group B2)” by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Some studies have linked their presence in alcoholic beverages to digestive, liver, and Breast Cancer. A 2018 Israeli study also connected ongoing exposure to the shortening of telomeres and premature aging.
Dimethyl Dicarbonate (DMDC)
DMDC is used as a sterilizer, stabilizer, and yeast-growth inhibitor. Its safety in many food and beverage products remains up for worldwide debate. DMDC is a recognized poison when it is in its natural state. Note: the commercial food industry uses DMDC in many juices and iced teas as well as Gatorade.
Manufacturers use additional sulfites to prevent spoilage in wine. The presence of sulfites in wine is the main reason why many individuals cannot drink it. Symptoms include headaches, rashes, gastrointestinal issues, and respiratory reactions. A report by the University of Florida found that individuals with asthma have a greater intolerance for sulfites, suggesting a possible link between sulfite sensitivity and autoimmune reactions in general.
Wine producers add sugar to their batches to up the alcohol content. Wine industry experts say that this sugar is harmless since it is consumed by the yeast once the wine begins to ferment. However, a regular glass of red wine contains enough simple carbohydrate load to affect blood sugar in diabetics for 24 hours, according to the American Diabetes Association. Of course, you also know that sugar is a cancer tumor’s main source of fuel.
If You Want to Enjoy Guilt-free Wine…This is What I Suggest

Although I am not a proponent of a “glass of red wine a day,” I know that we may enjoy a little libation now and again. In addition, the phytonutrient resveratrol found in red wine grapes has been shown to suppress the growth of Breast Cancer stem cells Even though additives are supposed to protect wine from mycotoxins, according to a 2015 study, “Mycotoxins represent a high risk for public health in food commodities worldwide.”
If you do drink, make sure you choose from the many quality organic wines that are good for your health. I recommend Dry Farms Wines. The founders of this company are dedicated to following a low-carb diet for their own health.
Organic or Biodynamic
Less than 1 gram sugar per liter of wine
Low alcohol
Low Sulfites
No mycotoxins
Hand-harvested and crafted
Global imports from small farms
No commercial additives!
Dry Farms tests all of their wines for mycotoxins with the help of a certified enologist. An enologist is someone who is responsible for everything having to do with the science (chemistry and biology) of the wine.
So go out and enjoy yourself this fall. Just make sure you choose from wines that are as healthy and pure as possible on your Healthy Breast journey!
Dr. Veronique Desaulniers (“Dr V”) is the founder of Breast Cancer Conqueror.com and The 7 Essentials System®. This step-by-step guide empowers you with knowledge so you Never Have to Fear Breast Cancer Again! To watch a FREE webinar about the 7 steps for beating breast cancer naturally, Click Here