Tag: progesterone

Dr. V. Recommends | Aug, 09 2022

How Your Estrogen Quotient Ratio Affects Your Breast Health

EQ ratio

Why is your Eq ratio so important? Hormones significantly impact your emotional, physical, and mental health. They are the main substances responsible for directing the … Read More

Blog | Jan, 03 2022

Manage Menopause With Natural Health

menopause natural health

Sleepless nights of sweat-soaked sheets and cranky days! What is happening?! Forgetfulness, desert-dry vagina, arguing about the littlest of things…this is not how you used … Read More

Blog | Apr, 26 2021

Hormone Imbalance? What Tests Can Help Me Know For Sure?

Maintaining hormonal health is a huge part of preventing and healing Breast Cancer. If you are already a Healing Diva, then you know this well! … Read More

Blog | Jan, 30 2018

Why Consider Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy?


Over the years I have seen a pattern emerge again and again: estrogen dominance and not enough natural progesterone to balance this out. Estrogen dominance can … Read More