We all know zinc as a go-to for when we get sick (along with vitamin C, of course). But do you know the reason why? Zinc is a heavy-duty immune system stimulator. And when it comes to Breast Cancer, it can be a super-protector as well.
What is Zinc?
Zinc is considered a trace mineral that is vital for immune system function since it is

needed to “activate” T cells. Zinc is also responsible for enzyme activation in the body as well as cell division, genetic communication, and cell division. Zinc is also connected to brain and heart health as well and has the ability to balance blood sugar in diabetics. A 2003 study found that zinc supplementation improved BMI and triglyceride levels and can lower overall body weight without affecting blood sugar levels. According to a double-blind clinical trial by Wayne State University School of Medicine in Detroit, Michigan, participants experienced lower infections after 12 months of supplementation.
The good news is that there are many easy ways to get your zinc in through eating whole foods. Some zinc-rich foods include eggs, beans, nuts, hormone-free, grass-fed beef, and even organic dark chocolate. Of course, this essential mineral is also available in supplement form.
Zinc and Breast Cancer
Zinc provides a treasure trove of both direct and indirect healing benefits for those on a journey with Breast Cancer. Indirectly, zinc can be your advocate on the Health Breast path through the way it can decrease oxidative stress in general. The Wayne State study found that increasing zinc levels can lower a substance called IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor). High IGF-1 levels have long been associated with cancer risk.
Zinc has been shown to have a direct effect on cancer cells. In the above study, zinc supplementation turned off certain functions that can lead to cancer growth. (Want to learn more about this and other nutrients to support a healing or preventive journey? Watch a FREE webinar about the 7 steps for beating breast cancer naturally. Click Here)
In addition, a recent (2017) study on esophageal cancer at the University of Texas at Arlington found that zinc “significantly inhibits the proliferation of … cancer cells.”
A large-scale cohort study sponsored by the Pomeranian Medical University in Poland found that those individuals with the highest concentration of zinc had the lowest risk of cancer, including Breast Cancer. The researchers also found that the highest risk of Breast Cancer were those who were low in zinc (and other nutrients) and who had the BRCA1 gene mutation.
Should You Supplement with Zinc?
The World Health Organization estimates that roughly one-third of the world’s population is deficient in zinc. Some individuals do have a genetic propensity towards zinc malabsorption. Keep in mind, though, that even if you do, the principles of epigenetics determines that most such dispositions need strong triggers for them to manifest. Stress, lack of exercise, and a poor diet are the most common ones, and this definitely pertains to zinc deficiency and its many consequences.
In my opinion, zinc supplementation is a sound choice for creating vibrant breast health. It can be part of an overall protocol for possibly healing Breast Cancer naturally. The 7 Essentials System® Super Zinc supplement offers a chelated version of this important mineral by the leader in mineral technology, Albion Advanced Nutrition. Zinc can be the most effective when combined with B vitamins and other nutrients for super-synergistic results for your Healthy Breast path.
Dr. Veronique Desaulniers (“Dr V”) is the founder of Breast Cancer Conqueror.com and The 7 Essentials System®. This step-by-step guide empowers you with knowledge so you Never Have to Fear Breast Cancer Again! To watch a FREE webinar about the 7 steps for beating breast cancer naturally, Click Here
I am a bit confused by this because I recall Suzanne Somers book about alternative therapies for cancer included information from a knowledgable provider that zinc supplementation is to be avoided for breast cancer. Not sure how to make sense of this contradiction.
Hello Eileen! Thank you for your concern! It certainly can be confusing at times hearing conflicting research. The best course of action is to read all of the supporting research and then choose what is right for you. Every body is different, so there is no cookie cutter approach. We have found in our research that there is more supporting the benefit of zinc than otherwise. Here are two additional blogs for you to consider:https://foodforbreastcancer.com/news/long-term-zinc-supplementation-is-associated-with-reduced-risk-of-breast-cancer
Hi i have stage 4 breast cancer,small bonr involvement.can this be reversed,i wish to stop herceptin &perjeta and treat naturally.
Hello Vanessa!
I am so sorry to hear that you are facing this challenge, I am very happy that you are hoping to take a proactive approach. You may want to consider Maragen as a supportive supplement. It can help to strengthen and rejuvenate bones. If you are looking for helpful one on one support you can consider one of our coaching packages. Here is a link with the options: https://breastcancerco.wpengine.com/coaching-programs/