What does my blood sugar have to do with breast cancer? It has become common knowledge that excessive amounts of carbs and sugar result in into high blood sugar levels in the body. High blood sugar leads to diabetes, heart disease, headaches, fatigue, vision problems, weight issues, and ultimately inflammation,
Please note: This blog intends to provide you with ideas and options. Please do not try cryoablation or anything new before talking it over with your medical team and Breast Cancer Conqueror Coach. DId you know that there is an effective treatment for many various types of cancer and breast
Two accurate, safe, and insightful cancer-detecting blood tests: PanTum Detect is coming soon, and Signatera™ For Breast Cancer is available today. As you know, I am always on the hunt for more effective, precise, and non-invasive options to Adopt Very Early Detection (Essential #7). It’s incredible that a simple blood
L-arginine is a key building block and supports numerous areas of human biochemistry. It’s an amino acid that provides critical support such as “ammonia detoxification, hormone secretion, and immune modulation.” To clarify the above statement, your body treats ammonia as a waste product. It removes ammonia (produced by your
Please note: Artemisinin has been part of Chinese medicine for over 2,000 years. However, while clinical research and human trials are limited, the reports to date are promising. Please do not take artemisinin without speaking with your doctor and coach because it should not be combined with certain medications. No