The Truth About Fluoride and It’s Effects on The Pineal Gland

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Essential #5: Embrace Biological Dentistry | Mar, 10 2025

The Truth About Fluoride and It’s Effects on The Pineal Gland

pineal gland title image

Quick Read:

  • Your pineal gland regulates your sleep-wake cycle, circadian rhythms, and hormonal balance.
  • Environmental toxins, particularly fluoride, profoundly impact the pineal gland’s ability to function properly.
  • You can detox and unbind calcification on your pineal gland by taking vitamin D, magnesium, melatonin, and curcumin supplements.

“Oh, I always spit out my toothpaste and mouthwash, so fluoride can’t negatively impact my health.”

“I’m not worried about fluoride because I drink bottled water. After all, it’s better for my health. I love the taste of Nature’s Crystal.”

“Yes, my floss contains fluoride, but how could that possibly get into my body? I just use it to pick out food.”

“I drink from a Brita, so my water is perfectly filtered.”

Sadly, NONE of these statements are accurate. 

Fluoride in dental products still gets into your bloodstream, even if you carefully spit them out. Some bottled water companies put fluoride in their water, and many water filters do NOT filter fluoride out. 

If you can relate to any of the above, please keep reading. Even if you can guarantee that fluoride isn’t harming your health, you might uncover a few scary surprises, including just how damaging fluoride is to your pineal gland. 

What Is My Pineal Gland?

Don’t worry; most people have not heard of this gland either. But since de-mystifying your body and finding real answers is why you are here, let’s get going!

Your pineal gland is a tiny but powerful part of your brain. It regulates your sleep-wake cycle, circadian rhythms, and hormonal balance. It does all of the above by converting serotonin (the feel-good hormone) in your gut into melatonin—the hormone that signals your body and mind to wind down before bedtime.

pineal gland diagram

The Pineal Gland, Melatonin, and Breast Cancer Connection

But here’s one of the many surprises in this blog: melatonin isn’t just for getting quality shut-eye. It is necessary for turning OFF breast cancer cells. 

“Nighttime melatonin is a relevant anticancer signal to human breast cancers. Ninety percent of human breast cancers have specific receptors for this signal” – Dr. Blask, MD, Ph.D.

For 40+ years, Dr. Blask has studied the connection between melatonin and breast cancer and has unearthed some fascinating connections that can be found in this groundbreaking study: Melatonin: an inhibitor of breast cancer. If you would rather watch a video than read a study, here’s a brilliant presentation that references Dr. Blask’s article: “High Dose Melatonin Therapy – An Ideal Adjuvant Anti-Cancer Therapy.”

Here’s where fluoride comes back into the picture: environmental toxins, particularly fluoride, profoundly impact the pineal gland’s ability to function properly.

detox pineal gland

Fluoride: A Major Threat to Your Pineal Gland and Healing

One of the most concerning threats to pineal gland health is fluoride, a chemical commonly added to public water supplies and found in conventional toothpaste. Fluoride is right up there with lead, mercury, pesticides, arsenic, and other horrifically damaging neurotoxins that wreak havoc on your body and mind (Study). 

Homework: Find out exactly what is in your zip code’s tap water, and then get a reliable home water filter via this blog post.

Think about it this way: The routine things you do before bed—brush and floss with fluoride, watch TV, scroll your phone, etc. are all things that directly impact your pineal gland (fluoride and blue lights). Unlike the brain, which is protected by the blood-brain barrier (BBB), the pineal gland is not shielded from fluoride or blue light exposure, making it highly vulnerable to damage.

Doing this night after night for decades causes fluoride to accumulate in the pineal gland, leading to calcification. This process turns the gland into a hardened, stone-like structure, impairing its function and leading to a cascade of health issues (Study).

Health Risks of Pineal Gland Calcification From Fluoride

The calcification of the pineal gland has been linked to a variety of health concerns, including:

  • Melatonin production: As mentioned above, melatonin is critical for a night of quality sleep—and turning off breast cancer cells (Study).
  • Alzheimer’s Disease: Fluoride exposure has been associated with increased neurodegenerative effects, potentially contributing to cognitive decline (Study).
  • Hormonal Imbalances: Since the pineal gland regulates melatonin and interacts with other endocrine functions, calcification can lead to widespread hormonal dysregulation. Click here to listen to Dr. V’s podcast episode: Real Talk About Hormones.
  • Chronic Fatigue, Metabolic Disorders, and Circadian Dysregulation: A damaged pineal gland and the inability to produce melatonin effectively can disrupt sleep cycles, contributing to chronic fatigue and metabolic disorders (Study).
  • Stroke and Cardiovascular Issues: Research suggests a link between fluoride exposure, vascular calcification, and an increased risk of stroke (Study).
  • Low Back Pain: There is emerging evidence that calcification of the pineal gland is correlated with spinal health issues, particularly in the lumbar region (Study).

Specifically for breast cancer…

  • Increased Risk of Breast Cancer: Fluoride exposure is linked to higher rates of breast, bone, and thyroid cancer due to its endocrine-disrupting effects. Additionally, disruption of the endocrine system can lead to tumor growth and a decreased immune system. (Study).
  • Melatonin production: As mentioned above, melatonin is critical for a night of quality sleep—and turning off breast cancer cells (Study).
  • Inflammation and Oxidative Stress: Fluoride exposure has been linked to increased oxidative stress and inflammation, both of which contribute to cancer progression and overall disease development. Please read this blog post to learn more about the inflammation and cancer connection.
  • Damage Cellular Function: Fluoride can interfere with mitochondrial function, reducing cellular energy production and impairing the body’s natural detoxification processes. We all have cellular damage, so please read this blog post to learn how to repair it.

How to Detox and Protect Your Pineal Gland

You can’t undo using fluoride toothpaste since childhood. However, you CAN detoxify, heal, and prevent further damage today and in your future. Below are several natural strategies to unbind calcification on your pineal gland and detox fluoride from your body and mind.

  • Magnesium: Studies prove magnesium inhibits hydroxyapatite crystal formation in vascular tissue, reducing calcification markers by up to 40%. Magnesium also helps with restful sleep, daytime energy, and happiness. You can buy Magnesium Ease directly from the store.
  • Vitamin K2 + D3: A high intake of vitamin K2 is linked to a 52% reduction in coronary calcification. When combined with vitamin D3, this powerful duo can help prevent calcium deposits in soft tissues, including the pineal gland (Study). Vitamin D is also crucial to healing breast cancer; please take a moment to read this blog post for details.
  • Melatonin: This hormone, which the pineal gland naturally produces, has been found to have protective properties against fluoride-induced calcification. Click here to learn more about melatonin. Also, consider taking Melatonin Max (60 mg) or Melatonin Slow Release (6 mg).
  • Pomegranate Extract: Research indicates that pomegranate extract has protective effects against calcium crystal formation, making it a great addition to your detox routine.
  • Curcumin: This powerful anti-inflammatory compound found in turmeric has been shown to directly inhibit calcium crystal formation and prevent oxidative stress damage in the body. Continue your curcumin education here, and buy it in supplement form directly from the store

The Bottom Line

Your pineal gland plays a crucial role in maintaining sleep health, regulating circadian rhythms, and supporting overall hormonal balance. However, fluoride exposure can lead to pineal gland calcification. Disrupting these vital functions contributes to a range of health issues, including increased cancer risk.

But the good news is: You are in control of your healing. With the right tools, such as swapping out toxic dental products for the ones in this blog post and using a fluoride-filtering water system, you can support the health of your pineal gland and experience vibrant health and healing!