Healthy Oral Health Equals Healthy Breast Health

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Essential #5: Embrace Biological Dentistry | Jul, 24 2024

Healthy Oral Health Equals Healthy Breast Health

Biocompatible Fillings: Breast-healthy options to prevent and treat cavities.

Dentists have blindly used toxic amalgam fillings (a mix of mercury and silver, tin, and copper) to treat cavities for over 150 years. It has led to the rise of autoimmune diseases, cancer, and all sorts of awful health issues “that can’t be explained.” However, it can: when you fill your mouth (the gateway to your body) with one of the most toxic poisons on the planet, bad things will obviously happen. 

However, in modern times there are better options—if you know about them and choose them. This is why I dedicated part of my 7 Essentials System® to educating women on the importance of working with a biological dentist and understanding how to have a clean mouth. 

 The breast-dental connection is so strong that I can confidently say about 90% of my clients have had adverse health effects from

mercury-filled amalgams, root canals, cavitations, and other dental toxicities. 

Your teeth directly connect to your breasts via the meridian system; they are not separate entities that can be drilled, poked, and stuffed with toxic poisons. This is why safe, nontoxic products and dental practices such as working with a biological dentist are critical to your healing journey..

Restorative Dentistry (your average dentist) focuses on drilling holes into damaged teeth and filling them with toxic crowns, bridges, implants, dentures, and other materials that release mercury and other toxins into the body. However, there’s a new and safer way to do dentistry, including biocompatible fillings and regenerative endodontics. It’s truly fascinating how interwoven oral and breast health are. Yet, they are often completely overlooked. But that is why you are reading this blog—you are striving for complete healing and vibrant health!

biocompatible dental options.

Ozone Therapy and Biocompatible Fillings To Treat Cavities

I only work with a biological dentist for several reasons, and a key one is that they use natural treatments that are less invasive and strategically focused on total body health. Instead of filling your teeth with mercury, biological dentists use several safe, nontoxic options that actually last longer than conventional fillings. Below are a few materials to discuss with your dentist.

Ozone Therapy

Dr. V in a HOCATT Machine

Depending on the severity of the tooth decay, your dentist can use ozone therapy to treat cavities and prevent the need for a filling. Nature uses ozone to cleanse the environment of contaminants, and it works just as well within your body. Ozone can oxidize plaque and break down matter, including blockages inside blood vessels. It also kills cancer cells while keeping healthy ones strong. This study found that ozone exposure (in a dose-dependent manner) inhibited lung, uterine, and breast cancer cell growth by up to 90%, while non-cancerous cells were unaffected! Wow, literally the breath of life!

Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation and Ozonation (EBOO: read the blog here) and Hyperthermic Ozone and Carbonic Acid Transdermal Technology (HOCATT: read the blog here) are both powerful forms of ozone therapy that detoxes, energizes, heals, and boosts immunity, calms, decreases inflammation, and provides countless other benefits. What’s good for oral health is always good for breast health!

Biocompatible Fillings

Biocompatible materials for dental fillings are nontoxic, mercury-free, minimally invasive, and tooth-colored materials that are safe for the body and don’t trigger adverse effects in the surrounding tissue. They last for 15-20 years and can replace amalgam fillings, repair chips, and protect teeth from further decay.

Biocompatible materials include:

    • Lasering instead of drilling: Lasers are less invasive and cause less pain, bleeding, and swelling than traditional drilling. They can also help prevent trauma and allow for quicker and safer healing.
    • Porcelain: It is the least toxic and offers the lowest risk of allergic reactions or adverse health effects. This material is stronger, more stain-resistant, and longer-lasting than other filling materials and can be matched to the exact color of your teeth.
    • Composite Resin: It looks similar to natural tooth enamel and is safe for closing gaps, filling in chips, lightening stains, and reshaping teeth. However, many of these fillings often have Bisphenol-A, which is a hormone disrupter. If you chose this type of filling, please ask for an option that is not made with Bisphenol-A.

Before doing a filling or other types of dental work, a biological dentist should give you a blood test to determine if the filling material is biocompatible so that you avoid any sort of immune reaction. The Serum Biocompatibility Test is similar to an allergy test in that it’s a blood test that determines how likely a patient is to have an immune reaction to a material and what options are best for your biology. It can help assess a patient’s compatibility with dental materials like mouth guards, desensitizers, bridges, crowns, and implants. 

Regenerative Endodontics 

Traditional endodontic treatments focus on removing infected tissue in the tooth, while regenerative endodontics aims to restore the tooth to its natural state. This is a relatively new but huge advancement in making dentistry safe for your entire body and mind. In short, regenerative endodontics is a biological approach to treating damaged or infected teeth that uses the body’s natural healing process to restore a tooth’s function. It can be an alternative to root canal therapy (learn why root canals should be banned), which focuses on removing damaged tissue and filling the pulp chamber with an inert and biocompatible material. Instead, this process replaces damaged tooth structures, such as dentin, root structures, and cells of the pulp-dentin complex, to restore the tooth’s natural state. Please read this umbrella review and this review of future directions of regenerative endodontics to learn more.

Use Dentigen To Treat Cavities

One way to do this is by taking Dentigen, a powerful supplement that releases bioactive calcium ions that strengthen teeth, remineralize teeth, rebuild periodontium, restore gum health, and accelerate oral health. It can also be significantly more effective than protein-based or food-based calcium supplements. You can purchase this healing form of ionic calcium directly through my store by emailing >>

Ionic Calcium and The P53 Gene

Besides building strong teeth and gums to prevent oral health issues, supplementing with ionic calcium can increase Natural Killer (NK) cells to ward off cancer cells. Read this study to learn more. 

However, the real magic of ionic calcium is its ability to protect the P53 gene from mutation. 

Approximately 50% of all cancer tumors carry a P53 gene mutation. Women with a P53 gene mutation also tend to have more aggressive types of breast cancers. P53’s job is to produce proteins that help repair damaged cells and kill off cancer cells. In short, ionic calcium protects the gene that protects you from cancer development. 

Again, what’s truly good for oral health is always good for breast health! To stay current with the latest dental-breast health, please continue reading blogs in the Essential #5 category: Embrace Biological Dentistry.


Author: Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, better known as  Dr. V, is a Doctor of Chiropractic & has 44 years of experience in the wellness industry. For personalized support, please partner with a trained Breast Cancer Conqueror Coach.