The short answer: NO, it is not the best option for breast cancer screening.
The long answer:
First, I want you to know I’m here to help YOU make educated and empowered decisions about your healing journey. I have dedicated decades to researching and sharing (via my blog, podcast, online programs, etc.) the top studies, practices, therapies, and technology about healing breast cancer and living a vibrantly healthy life. Everything I do is based on science and fueled by meticulous research.
This blog is an updated version of the one I wrote in 2017. While the conclusion of using safer, more accurate, and better breast cancer testing is still the same, this blog expands on the latest research and test options.
Why trusted studies do NOT suggest mammograms alone for breast cancer screening
The infamous, big pharma-fueled 2.3 Billion dollar (growth rate of 11.6 %/year) mammogram industry is NOT your only breast cancer test option.
I could have listed hundreds of trustworthy studies spotlighting the dangers of yearly mammograms. However, since you have a beautiful life to live, I just listed a few. Please read with a curious mind and heart. If you do choose mammography, always back it up with an Ultrasound and blood work.
- Mammograms can increase the risk of breast cancer. Low-dose radiation from mammograms can INCREASE breast cancer among high-risk women. The compression and radiation might stimulate cancer cells to grow and spread. Please read this study to learn more.
- High chance of receiving a “false positive” diagnosis. Women undergoing traditional breast cancer screenings (mammograms) have a 50% chance of being diagnosed with a “false positive,” according to this study.
- Late detection. Mammograms detect tumors a terrifying 5-8 years after they start to develop in your body. This is why Essential #7 is Adapt VERY Early Detection.
- Not effective with dense breasts. Almost half of American women ages 40-74 have dense breasts, and one-third of all cancers are developed in women with breast density in over 50% of breast tissue. Most mammogram tests can’t provide clear and detailed imaging through dense breast tissues—resulting in undiagnosed tumors. However, you do have the power to decrease breast density. Please click here to learn how.
“What you don’t know about mammograms could cost you your life.” – b00bs: The War on Women’s Breast.
This brilliant and elaborate documentary investigates the world of mammography and a possible new breast cancer testing protocol used side-by-side: thermography and ultrasound. I also interviewed the director, Megan Smith, on my podcast about her documentary and alternative therapies. I highly suggest watching the documentary and listening to her podcast episodes.
DCIS: A dangerous over-diagnosis
Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) was rarely diagnosed before the advent of mammograms, yet it now accounts for 25% of detected ‘breast cancers.’ Over 60,000 women are diagnosed with DCIS each year in the USA, 7,000 in the UK, and 2,500 in the Netherlands. Learn more about this study here.
DCIS is a prime example of OVER-diagnosis. The chances of developing breast cancer from DCIS are less than 1%!
For example, “In the last few decades, we’ve learned that the types of breast cancers that do not grow, or grow very slowly and do not spread, are more common than expected. So they would never impact a woman in her lifetime.” –Wiser Healthcare
This leads to crippling fear, anxiety, and a significant cost to the patient’s finances and health. The worst part—is the “treatment for “stage zero” or “pre-cancer” can trigger the development of breast cancer. The treatment can sometimes be the cause of medically induced cancers. To learn more about how DCIS Stage 0 treatment can lead to cancer and what you should do instead, please read this blog post.
Better Breast Cancer Testing Options
Since I am a solutions-based woman, below are seven innovative, safe, non-invasive, and accurate breast cancer testing options to consider. However, regardless of which test you use, ALWAYS back it up with a second test. No stand-alone screening tool is 100% accurate.
- SonoCiné. The SonoCiné AWBUS scan provides greater visual detail of breast tissues, including the axilla (underarm/lymph nodes). This is extra helpful for 45% of women with dense breast tissue (read this blog if you have dense breasts) or implants, as mammograms often have trouble providing clear and detailed images. Learn more about The SonoCiné AWBUS here.
- Onconomics Plus RGCC. This test provides crucial information on the presence of circulating tumor cells (part of cancer stem cells) and their concentration in people with a confirmed diagnosis of specific forms of cancer, including breast, colon, and prostate cancer. It will also tell you which natural (and pharmaceutical) substances would help your body the most. Learn more about RGCC tests here.
- Galleri® Test. This test scans for 50 types of cancer, many of which are not commonly screened for today, in one simple blood draw. Learn more about the Galleri® Test here.
- Thermography. Digital infrared thermographic imaging (DITI) can spot physiological breast cancer signs 6 to 8 years before any palpable mass appears. Learn more about thermography here.
- Signatera™ For Breast Cancer. This blood test can inform if the cancer is shrinking, growing, or coming back and can detect cancer 6 months before a CT scan. Please learn more about Signatera™ For Breast Cancer here.
QT Imaging for Breast Screening - PerfeQTion Imaging. PerfeQTion Imaging uses breakthrough soundwave technology to create fast, comfortable, radiation-free 3D breast scans. This new method of breast cancer screening is poised to replace screening mammograms, ultrasounds, and MRIs with a single, comfortable, and accurate test. For more information about the QT machine, contact info@perfeqtionimaging.com.
You have endless options and support!
Your community is here for you every step of the way so you can THRIVE and never have to fear breast cancer again! First step into the online Survive and Thrive Integrative Cancer Healing Program and then the 10-Week Transformation Program. You can also be supported in our Facebook group, weekly group coaching sessions, and so much more.
Author: Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, better known as Dr. V, is a Doctor of Chiropractic & has 44 years of experience in the wellness industry. For personalized support, please partner with a trained Breast Cancer Conqueror Coach.