Tag: mercury free dentistry

Blog | Mar, 22 2022

How To Detox From Amalgam Removal

  Healthy breasts are something to smile about because breast health starts with oral health. What goes into the mouth eventually makes its way directly … Read More

Blog | Sep, 18 2018

Flossing and Breast Cancer Prevention


Did you know that periodontal disease affects half the American population? This is a true health crisis, since gum disease can not only lead to … Read More

Blog | Jul, 31 2018

Is There a Better Way to Treat Cavities Than with Fillings?


Conventional modern dentistry has treated cavities and other dental issues the same way for over a century. If a tooth begins to decay, the only … Read More

Blog | Aug, 14 2017

10 Questions About Toxic Amalgams To Ask Your Dentist Now


According to a report published by the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, there are currently over 1000 tons of mercury floating around in the mouths … Read More