About 94% of Americans suffer from at least one nutrient deficiency. Between this and all the stress and toxins flooding our systems, of course, cancer, autoimmune diseases, and other illnesses are at an all-time high.
One of the root causes of our severe lack of nutrients is that our produce is considerably less nutritious than it was 50+ years ago due to crops being bred and chosen for higher yields rather than nutrition. Soil degradation from soil compaction, chemical fertilizers, and pesticides/herbicides can make it harder for the soil to regenerate and make nutrients available to plants.
THIS is why supplementing with juices (especially wheatgrass), vitamins, and superfoods like algae and matcha is essential for vibrant health and breast cancer healing.
Wheatgrass is one of the juice superfoods I highly recommend to EVERYONE, especially breast cancer thrivers like you!
Here’s why—
ONE ounce of wheatgrass juice gives you a potent amount of:
- Vitamins: Vitamin A, C, B, B2, B17, E, and K
- Minerals: selenium, zinc, magnesium, and iron
- Chlorophyll
- Amino Acids
- Live enzymes
- Potassium
- Flavonoids
- Antioxidants
- Polyphenolics
It’s so effective that one shot is the equivalent of 2.5 lbs of organic vegetables, making it one of the most effective ways to get nutrients on Earth! No wonder people are lining up to buy those shots of green juices at smoothie bars and gyms.
However, not all wheatgrass is created equally—which is why I ONLY drink Dynamic Greens Wheatgrass Juice. I’ll get more into the weeds of this soon, but for now, let’s cut into why wheatgrass should be part of your healing protocols.
Organic Wheatgrass Juice & Breast Cancer Healing
There are countless reasons why I drink wheatgrass juice, but below are six reasons that are specific to healing breast cancer.
- Oxygenation: Chlorophyll, abundant in wheatgrass, increases oxygen levels in the blood, creating an environment where cancer cells struggle to survive (study).
- Supporting Chemotherapy: Wheatgrass juice may reduce myelotoxicity (bone marrow suppression), nausea, changes in blood count, and the chance of infection (study). It may also prevent the need for dose reductions (study).
- Antioxidants: The antioxidants in wheatgrass help neutralize free radicals, reducing oxidative stress and inflammation—both intricately linked to cancer progression (study).
- Detoxification: The chlorella in wheatgrass wraps itself around stubborn toxins: lead, mercury, mold, heavy metals, and even toxins from radiation and chemotherapy. If these toxins can’t get out, they damage your cells and bring cancer and other health problems in (study).
- A possible Methotrexate (chemotherapy and immunosuppressive drug) alternative: Researchers are currently studying the potential of chlorophyll as a natural photosensitizer in Sono-Photo Dynamic Therapy (SPDT) to be a less toxic alternative to drugs like Methotrexate in conventional photodynamic cancer treatment. Click here to read my blog on other SPDT options.
- Coffee Enema Addition: I add it to my enemas since the colon is one of the best ways to efficiently absorb nutrients and send them directly into your bloodstream. For a step-by-step guide to coffee enemas and why wellness warriors should consider them, please read this blog post.
Where To Get Wheatgrass Juice
There are many places to get it—supplements, powders, juice bars, etc. However, these options may not guarantee their product is organic, field-grown, and free of MOLD and other toxins.
Most wheatgrass grown indoors in trays will have some amount of “white mold” contamination. This can sometimes be the reason why people experience nausea and dizziness after consuming wheatgrass. There are many kinds of white-colored mold, and it is very difficult to determine if the kind growing on your wheatgrass is a mycotoxin. The advanced scientific reason you should stay far away from mycotoxins is that “Exposure to mycotoxins can penetrate your cells and alter the nucleotide sequence of the cellular genome, leading to permanent defects that can eventually develop into cancer”(study). In everyday words, mycotoxins can lead to cancer growth, so do not risk your exposure doing something that is meant to provide optimal nourishment and healing.
I ONLY drink Dynamic Greens Wheatgrass Juice.
Simply put, Dynamic Greens Wheatgrass Juice doesn’t have a rival. They are truly the best. Here’s why:
- They used self-sourced, non-GMO seeds.
- They have never used herbicides or pesticides. Their product is completely 100% organic.
- Their wheatgrass needs to grow in open fields where natural queues tell it to do things like release phytonutrients. Wheatgrass simply does not grow properly in the greenhouse.
- It has a 6x deeper root system and a 10x longer growth cycle.
- It provides up to 50% higher nutrient levels.
- There are no wheatgrass mold problems.
- It’s more potent because it is unpasteurized, kept raw, and lived through flash freezing.
- They also use an atmosphere-free closed system with no oxidation or biological aging. You also receive your shipment in one day!
Sip, sip, hooray! Join me in taking a daily shot of optimal health and healing together! Tag me on your Instagram posts and stories so I can see them!
Conquering Breast Cancer Together
Wheatgrass is a powerful healing tool, and there are several more proven and effective options that you can include in your healing protocols. To learn more about the ones I use and recommend, please check out my self-paced online program, Conquering Breast Cancer Together.
In the class, Michael Karlfeldt, ND, PhD of The Karlfeldt Center, and De’Ann Richter, Head Coach of the 7 Essentials System®, and I share the latest integrative therapies and healing options so that you can take a proven and balanced approach. Let the healing begin!!