How To Naturally Suppress Breast Cancer Stem Cells

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Essential #7: Adopt Very Early Detection | Sep, 23 2024

How To Naturally Suppress Breast Cancer Stem Cells

naturally surpress breast cancer stem cells

At a glance: breast cancer stem cells

Breast cancer stem cells (BCSC) can be responsible for relapse even after all “observable” signs of the tumor are gone. At this time, traditional treatments such as chemo and radiation only kill off breast cancer cells—NOT breast cancer stem cells—which can be responsible for metastasis or even recurrence. You can also stop BCSCs from developing into full-blown cancer if you know about them. This is why you will often find me sharing foods, supplements, and therapies to stop BCSC from growing. 

What are breast cancer stem cells?

BCSCs are a subpopulation of breast cancer cells within a cancer microenvironment. They are a reservoir of self-sustaining cells that can self-renew and contribute to aggressive metastatic lesions. They can be “reprogrammed” and cause a tumor to grow and can quickly spread cancer around the body, even after all “observable” signs are gone. 

However, you are in CONTROL of your breast cancer stem cells. You can naturally suppress the growth of these cells with specific education, testing, supplements, teas, and food.

breast cancer stem cell surpressors

The Beljanski Foundation 

For 70+ years, The Beljanski Foundation has led the research on weakening and destroying cancer stem cells (CSC). Their website provides a plethora of accurate, cutting-edge, and free information on preventing and healing breast cancer from an integrative approach. I highly suggest listening to their podcast, checking out their on-demand educational events, and reading my blog post about their approach here.

More educational resources 

Please review my library of podcasts and blogs about breast cancer stem cells. The more you know, the more informed choices you can make!breast cancer stem cells podcast

Testing & Monitoring

The best way to prevent cancer development, recurrence, and metastasis is by TESTING to know exactly what is going on in your body–and then take strategic actions. Below are a few safe, noninvasive, and accurate tests that I suggest. As always, please back up a test with another one.

Onconomics Extracts by RGCC

RGCC International is one of the top leaders in cancer tests and personalized therapies. Their blood test, Onconomics Extracts by RGCC, provides crucial information on the presence of circulating tumor cells (part of cancer stem cells) and their concentration in people who have a confirmed diagnosis of specific forms of cancer, including breast, colon, and prostate cancer. It will also tell you which natural (and pharmaceutical) substances would help your body the most.

Trifecta of Tests

You can order these tests as part of the Breast Health Foundation Panel. They are under the “Inflammation” tests. The three tests that I call the “Trifecta of Tests” are:

-C-Reactive Protein Test (CRP): This test determines the level of inflammation in your body. About 95% of cancers have inflammation in common, and your levels impact all stages of tumor development, including initiation, progression, and metastasis. Please read this blog post to learn more about inflammation and breast cancer.

Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR): This simple test also measures inflammation levels that may be caused by infection, autoimmune conditions, or cancer tumors by examining the “clumping rate” of red blood cells. Research has indicated a correlation between high ESR levels and cancer as far back as the late 1999s.

-Lactic Acid Dehydrogenase (LDH): This test measures how much LDH is in the blood, and it correlates with tissue damage in most major organs as well as in the blood cells and muscles. High levels of LDH are associated with various dis-eases such as liver, heart, and cancer. High levels of serum LDH is a bio-marker for breast cancer.

Auria Test

Blood is a great non-invasive testing option, but tears can better detect small cancer markers because large components in your blood can mask small cancer markers. These components are absent in tears, making small cancer markers much easier to spot. The new Auria® Biological Breast Cancer Screening Test empowers you to test at home for an affordable price. Please read this blog post to learn all about it!

Self-Breast Exam

A 23-year-long study conducted at the University of Washington found that while risky mammography found lumps 43% percent of the time, “human touch” found them 56% of the time. 

Additional Non-Invasive & Accurate Tests

Please scroll down to the end of this blog post to learn about seven innovative and informative tests I recommend. 

Supplements, Teas & Foods To Suppress Breast Cancer Stem Cells

What you consume either fuels or fights breast cancer. Every bite is like a tiny investment in your health. The supplements, teas, and foods below can play a massive role in eating up BCSCs in your body before they take over. 


  • Brocco Power: The sulforaphane in broccoli sprouts has been shown to destroy breast cancer stem cells (BCSCs) at the root of cancer. One capsule of Brocco Power is equivalent to 1 pound of broccoli! 
  • OnKobel-Pro: Created by Maison Beljanski Products mentioned above, it consists of three plant extracts, each selectively supporting healthy cell growth. 
  • Haelen 951: A meta-analysis of over 4,000 other studies concluded that “…isoflavones (fermented soy) may have a protective effect on Breast Cancer and recurrence.” Haelen 951 is my top choibrocco power supplementce of fermented soy.
  • Optimal Curcumin: It powerfully inhibits the growth of cancer stem cells while reducing inflammation (a major cause of most cancers). Please learn more about curcumin via this blog post.
  • Ginger Extract 120: Ginger contains a phytonutrient called 6-shogaol that can specifically target cancer stem cells. I suggest taking the supplement and trying out these delicious recipes here for optimal absorption. 



  • Sweet Potatoes: The Anthocyanins in sweet potatoes can suppress cancer stem cells and have numerous anti-cancer properties. Please read this blog post to learn more and try one of these sweet potato recipes tonight!
  • Cruciferous Vegetables: (Broccoli, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, etc.) These vegetables contain sulforaphane which has been shown to inhibit the growth of cancer stem cells and are rich in phytochemicals that boost your immune system. Please read this blog post to learn more. 
  • Blueberries: Indulge in these sweet treats because just a half cup a day kills breast cancer stem cells. Please read this blog post to learn more and indulge in my opulent Blueberry Bark.
  • Cut out sugar: Glutamine and glucose (toxic sugar and carbs) power up cancer cells. Please read this blog post to learn more about which sugars to avoid and why.

Please review this blog post to learn more about the foods, teas, and supplements to take—and not take—during treatments. You really are what you eat—and don’t!

The Survive & Thrive Online Program

To learn more about integrative health therapies and create your own personalized action plan, please consider doing my step-by-step guide: “HOW TO SURVIVE AND THRIVE” – Conquering Breast Cancer with Conventional Treatments and Natural Medicine. You will learn from some of the top doctors and healers in the world and walk away feeling confident about your healing plan. It’s time to turn fear into fearlessness!