Note: This blog was updated in November 2024 to reflect the 2025 conference.
The Beljanski family, primarily the late Dr. Mirko Beljanski and his daughter Sylvie Beljanski, are fierce and dedicated trailblazers. Their focus is researching the connection between environmental toxins and cancer, as well as the need to repair and heal cells. In a nutshell, their overall mission is “…to study and share knowledge of effective non-toxic natural answers that work both alone and in synergy with traditional Western medicine to cure cancer and other chronic diseases the natural way.”
The Beljanski Approach
Their approach completely aligns with Essential #2: Reduce Your Toxic Exposure, and Essential #6 Repair Your Body With Therapeutic Plants of my 7 Essentials System®. Cancer is a multifaceted dis-ease. Avoiding toxins as much as possible, eating clean food, managing stress, and using evidence-based natural medicine along with Western medicine may be the most effective way to truly heal.
The Beljanski commitment to scientific research and investigating the treatment of cell deficiencies (such as cancer), DNA system modifications, and viral infections is truly incredible and deserves a full blog post! I also must note that the second-ever Beljanski Integrative Cancer Conference is happening this April! You can attend virtually or vacation to sunny Austin, Texas, to be there in real life! Make sure to use my code: “DRV” for 15% off!
Breast Cancer Stem Cells
The Beljanski Foundation is one of the leading research groups on weakening and destroying breast cancer stem cells (BCSC). Currently, traditional treatments such as chemo and radiation only kill off breast cancer cells—NOT breast cancer stem cells. BCSCs can be responsible for relapse even after all “observable” signs of a tumor are gone. They are a small subpopulation of breast cancer cells within a cancer microenvironment that establish a reservoir of self-sustaining cells. Breast cancer stem cells are able to self-renew and can contribute to recurrence and aggressive metastatic lesions.
Please take a moment to learn more about breast cancer stem cells via this blog post on Recurrence and how to prevent it.
I’m thrilled to present and attend the Beljanski Integrative Cancer Conference and dive into their latest research on BCSCs! All the proceeds of the event go to breast cancer stem cell research because the Beljanski family truly cares about helping you and future generations beat cancer.
Sylvie Beljanski
Sylvie Beljanski, a French lawyer by trade, is a health advocate for holistic medicine, public speaker, internationally known author, and entrepreneur. She is also the daughter of Dr. Mirko Beljanski, the “Father of Environmental Medicine.” He is best known for providing the first scientific explanation of how environmental toxins can affect our DNA and induce cancer. Tragically, he was too far ahead of his time. Because of the incredible results in patients reversing cancer, the French conventional oncology community severely persecuted him. The French government event poisoned him while destroying his research and shutting down his laboratory.
Sylvie bravely stood up against the French government and won her case in the European Union High Court. She proudly continues her father’s work by collaborating with a network of high-profile institutions through The Beljanki Foundation. She is currently the VP of the foundation and relentlessly spreads education about the effects of environmental toxins on our health. To learn more about Sylvie and her incredible work, please listen to this podcast episode, and read her book Winning The War On Cancer. Her personal story about fulfilling her promise to her father to carry on the work is touching and inspiring. It is an easy read but so powerful!
The Beljanski Foundation
For the past 70+ years, the Beljanski Foundation has worked with scientists worldwide. Their groundbreaking research has led to specific plant extracts being studied in countless peer-reviewed scientific publications from numerous academic institutions. These studies have confirmed their effectiveness and provide a deeper understanding of their mechanism of action. Belijanski.org provides a wealth of free information about healing all sorts of cancers and pathologies. I also suggest attending their Virtual Healthy Tuesdays events, especially Nov. 7: Breast Cancer: Stem Cells and Metastasis.
Onkobel Products I love
Dr. Mirko Beljanski strategically created this combination of plant extracts to support your health at a cellular level. OnKobel-Pro is a Maison Beljanski product that provides multiple levels of support. A few ones worth mentioning include:
- Increasing the growth of healthy cells
- Eliminating abnormal cells
- Maintaining natural levels of enzymes that are critical for homeostasis.
It’s a strategic combo of Pao pereira, Rauwolfia vomitoria, and Golden Leaf of Ginkgo biloba. You can purchase OnKobel-Pro via my shop and learn more about it by listening to this podcast with the Director of Research at The Beljanski Foundation.
You know how much I enjoy aromatic and flavorful teas for calming my adrenals and strengthening my immune system. OnkoTea’s organic, plastic-free, toxin-free, and sustainable options are meticulously designed to support healing. My go-to Maison Beljanski flavors are Tulsi Mango Peach, Tulsi Ginger Lemon, Green Tea, and Lemon Essence.
The First Beljanski Integrative Cancer Conference
I’m thrilled to speak at the first Beljanski conference with other world-renowned integrative cancer experts. The conference is October 13-15th in sunny Jacksonville, Florida. You can learn about Winning the War on Cancer: The Beljanski Integrative Cancer Conference via their website. Make sure to use my code: “ICC1023DRV” for 10% off!
This conference will be a phenomenal event! The latest in diet and nutrition, epigenetics, fasting, detoxification, affordable at-home solutions, integrative therapies, ancient medicine, functional medicine approaches, metabolic restoration, and so much more are all on the menu. The proceeds will even go straight toward cancer stem cell research!
I highly encourage you to attend. You will have the opportunity to listen to world-famous cancer experts and meet some of the most brilliant integrative cancer doctors on our planet.
People healing cancer, taking care of someone with cancer, doctors, coaches, and anyone else who wants to learn about preventing and healing cancer will greatly benefit from attending: “Winning the War on Cancer: The Beljanski Integrative Cancer Conference. Please let me know if you are attending—I’d really enjoy meeting you in person! And don’t forget to use “ICC1023DRV” for 10% off!
Take Informed Action!
We live in a time when access to the latest research, therapies, and products is literally at our fingertips! It’s incredible—but you still have to do the work. Keep learning and taking the best actions to heal your body, mind, and heart. Beljanski.org is a fantastic resource, as are my podcast episodes, blogs, and online courses. If you are overwhelmed by all the options and choices and want a customized plan that perfectly fits your needs, please email support@breastcancerconqueror.com It’s time to heal—and never fear breast cancer again!
Author: Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, better known as Dr. V, is a Doctor of Chiropractic & has 44 years of experience in the wellness industry. For personalized support, please partner with a trained Breast Cancer Conqueror Coach.