Each year heart disease takes the lives of roughly 15 million people in the U.S. alone. High inflammatory levels and chronic stress are the two most glaring links between heart disease and cancer. Learning how the heart works and leaning about heart coherence can help your entire cardiovascular system. Additionally,
Meditation. We have all tried to do it and some of us have even had some amount of success with it. But let’s face it, most of us wind up feeling more frustrated (and even more stressed out) after 20 minutes of “just sitting there” than when we started! Meanwhile,
According to Eastern Medicine, every organ in your body is connected to a a tooth through the Acupuncture Meridian System. This is one of the reasons why so many women develop breast cancer on the same side of their body as a root canal, cavitation, or other kinds of dental
There are “hidden dangers” inside your mouth. They usually don’t hurt. Most of the time you can’t see them. Sometimes they can come as tell-tale signs of other infections and conditions, but oftentimes they do not. What’s more, according to current research, they may affect women over 60 more than
Essential #2 is to Reduce Your Toxic Exposure and Essential #5 is to Embrace Biological Dentistry. If you are going to do those two things, then you want to make sure that what you put in your mouth is clean and healthy! Why? Because everything that is absorbed into your