Tag: 7 essentials system

Blog | Mar, 01 2022

The 7 Essential Steps to Healing

Every part of our body is interconnected. Therefore, breast cancer doesn’t mean there is something wrong with only our breasts, but that the body as … Read More

Blog | Oct, 18 2021

7 Ways to Make Conventional Breast Cancer Treatment Easier

7 natural breast cancer practices In this blog, I share 7 natural breast cancer practices to make your surgery, chemotherapy, and/or radiation easier and more … Read More

Blog | Apr, 09 2021

Three Bioenergetic Technologies to Set You On the Path Towards Health


Energy medicine has been around for thousands of years. For example, the Chinese meridian system and their understanding of “Chi” go back more than 5,000 … Read More

Blog | Jan, 19 2021

Gut Inflammation and Immune Health: Is There a Connection?


Did you know that up to 80% of your immune system cells exist along the digestive tract? This means that that the health of your … Read More