man·i·fest /ˈmanəˌfest/ Adjective: Psychoanalysis: of or relating to conscious feelings, ideas, and impulses that contain repressed psychic material. (Dictionary.com) Verb: To make clear or evident to the eye or the understanding; put beyond doubt or question. (Dictionary.com) Regarding your health: Doing the emotional, visual, mental, and physical work, as well
Please note: “New German Medicine,” “German New Medicine,” “GNM,” and “New Medicine” can be one of the tools you can use to develop the framework of your healing plan! As I always say, you have options—oh, so many options! Working with a Breast Cancer Conqueror Coach can help you figure
Unhealed trauma played a part in my developing breast cancer, and I know it is the same for many of you. This is why Essential #4 is Heal Your Emotional Wounds. “Identifying and solving the emotional trauma behind the condition or behavior” is what Recall Healing is all about. It’s
Lights, Camera, Action! Today’s show is about light and sound therapy to inspire your body to take action against cancer cells. Sono-photodynamic, laser, Photo Dynamic, and sound frequency therapy are all non-invasive, safe, and effective treatments. NOTE: All therapies mentioned below can supplement your journey as healing requires a buffet
What is this futuristic machine my head is popping out of?! It’s called a HOCATT™ and stands for Hyperthermic Ozone & Carbonic Acid Transdermal Technology. This brilliantly effective biohacking technology is relatively new but could be available at a biological dentist or holistic health clinic near you! As you know,