Who needs to worry about oxidative stress and free radicals? Well, basically everyone on this planet these days– and especially those who are on the Healthy Breast path or are healing from Breast Cancer. Free radical damage is serious business since too much can lead to cancer. When solid, scientifically-proven
A clinical trial sponsored in part by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) has put out new findings showing that women with early breast cancer may not benefit from traditional chemotherapy treatment. This is exciting news indeed and a huge win for women who wish to take a less aggressive and
Everybody is talking about what is perhaps the cheapest and most effective health tonic out: apple cider vinegar (aka ACV). Here is the 411 on ACV, and how best to use it on your Healthy Breast journey. What is ACV? Apple Cider Vinegar is fermented from various kinds of apples.
Science has confirmed that epigenetic factors such as poor diet, chronic stress and environmental toxins are the main cause of 95% of all cancers. If you have been on the Healthy Breast journey for a while, then you know that your DNA is not your destiny. Even factors such as
By now you may know that there are MANY options for detecting Breast Cancer outside of traditional mammography, which may come with some dangerous side effects. One option that I have written about in the past is the Oncoblot test, created by Dr. Dorothy Morré and the late Dr. James