The infamous mammogram is NOT your only test option. Several tests provide safe, effective, non-invasive, and accurate answers. This blog is dedicated to one of them, The Cancer Profile—a collection of blood tests that detects cancer up to 10 years early and is 87-97% accurate!! With a ten-year heads up,
L-arginine is a key building block and supports numerous areas of human biochemistry. It’s an amino acid that provides critical support such as “ammonia detoxification, hormone secretion, and immune modulation.” To clarify the above statement, your body treats ammonia as a waste product. It removes ammonia (produced by your
Please note: Artemisinin has been part of Chinese medicine for over 2,000 years. However, while clinical research and human trials are limited, the reports to date are promising. Please do not take artemisinin without speaking with your doctor and coach because it should not be combined with certain medications. No
Note: Please do not take Shilajit before talking to your medical team. This blog is purely for informational purposes. Every cell in your body is intricately connected. Health issues such as depression, hormone imbalances, unhealthy gut, and chronic fatigue could have all been part of developing cancer. Therefore, mending them
Are you just plain worn out from your healing journey? Exhausted from feeling tired ALL the time, trying to get it all done? Natural therapies and conventional cancer treatments can be life-saving and help kill off the cancer. However, they also can deplete your energy. However, while low energy can