What you eat can be your best medicine, or your worst poison– and that goes for what you “eat” through your skin as well. As we come into the warmer seasons, it is important to make wise choices regarding the sunscreen you choose for yourself and your family. Mass media
I was introduced to Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) at the Hope 4 Cancer Clinic in Cancun. I was fascinated by the technology and its positive effects on cancer patients. According to the National Cancer Institute, PDT uses a photosensitizer ( a non toxic agent) that, when exposed to certain light frequencies,
I discovered a new and powerful Immune booster called Monolaurin. I understood that coconut oil and MCT oil had many beneficial properties. But then I discovered another aspect of a single chain fatty acid derived from coconut oil that has a very powerful effect on supporting a healing journey. Monolaurin
Sometimes it’s good to get back to the basics. When it comes to your Healthy Breast journey, this means remembering Essential #1 – “Let Food Be Your Medicine.” There is a reason why diet is the focus of the first Essential of the 7 Essentials System®. When it comes to
Oral heath is foundational for vibrant health. Essential #5 stresses the importance of embracing biological dentistry as part of a healthy breast plan. Some oral situations go beyond root canals and mercury fillings that lead to dis-ease. “Leaky Mouth” is one such condition. The Mouth is Part of the Digestive Tract