We all know zinc as a go-to for when we get sick (along with vitamin C, of course). But do you know the reason why? Zinc is a heavy-duty immune system stimulator. And when it comes to Breast Cancer, it can be a super-protector as well. What is Zinc? Zinc
Did you know that periodontal disease affects half the American population? This is a true health crisis, since gum disease can not only lead to tooth loss but is also connected to dozens of chronic disease conditions, including breast cancer. There is a way out of the cycle of periodontal
The custom of drinking tea has been around for thousands of years. Legend has it that in 2737 B.C.E., the Chinese Emperor Shen Nong was boiling water in his garden. A wild tea tree leaf landed in the steaming pot and the leaf began to infuse. The emperor curiously drank
Volatile Organic Compounds, or VOCs, are gases that are emitted from chemicals used to create scented products—and your toxic laundry detergent may contain dozens of them. A groundbreaking study conducted by the University of Washington found over 100 Volatile Organic Compounds in common commercial laundry soap, many of them known
Science is finally beginning to catch up to what we all know is true: the connection between emotions and cancer is real. If you are a Healing Diva or have been reading my blogs for a while, then you probably know that Essential #4 of my 7 Essentials System ®