The year 2020 found most of us spending more time than usual in our homes. Things that we would normally do “out there,” such as working and schooling our children, were done within the confines of those four walls. This means that creating a toxin-free home was and is more
This is the time of year where the majority of people are thinking about gifts for their friends and family. So why not think about giving something that will have an impact on their health all year long? I have listed the top 10 products that I personally use, enjoy,
As many of you know, I will never get on the “one glass a day” bandwagon when it comes to wine. That being said, since I am French, I do appreciate a great red wine every once in a while! That was why during my second healing journey with Breast
There is a direct connection between Type 2 Diabetes and cancer that most people are aware of. But what about insulin resistance? What exactly is this condition and can having it affect your changes for Breast Cancer? What is Insulin Resistance? Insulin resistance is also known as pre-diabetes or metabolic
We all know that what we eat makes a huge difference between dis-ease and vitality. All meat, no meat, carnivore, keto, vegan, raw… how do we know which way of eating is right for us on our Healthy Breast journey? The Ketogenic Diet For many of you, this short description