This blog is being published with permission by Marcus Ellis.** Over 600,000 Americans die from cancer each year. Sadly, many of these deaths are absolutely unnecessary. Conventional oncology holds tightly to a limited toolbox which includes deadly chemotherapy, radiation, drugs, unnecessary or invasive surgeries, and other such toxic treatments. Most
Xeno-estrogens are one of the primary causes of most estrogen-positive Breast Cancers. There are hundreds of toxins that can be the source of them. This includes heavy metals, also called metallo-estrogens. Discovering where they may be hiding in your environment is the first step to getting rid of them from
You may have heard about peptides in terms of their skin-tightening and beauty-enhancing properties. Indeed, peptides are the key ingredient in collagen (and the collagen supplements that are all the rage these days). The anti-aging benefits of peptide therapy, however, are not just skin deep. Since the 1970’s, Russian scientists
I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. T. Que Collins, co-founder of the Deuterium Depletion Center, for an upcoming podcast that will be featured on this website. Deuterium is a fascinating subject that I just recently learned about. Once I understood the implications of excess deuterium in the body
In this article, I’ll take a look at the connections between weight and a higher risk for Breast Cancer. When does weight gain raise the risk? How can you determine your “ideal weight” that is perfect for you and your unique health situation? And, most importantly, what can you do